Woman writing in notebook while listening to music
Journaling Music: Sounds for Reflective Writing

Music has long been used to enhance the reflective writing process. It can help us to relax, focus, and access our emotions. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of listening to music while journaling, as well as some tips for creating the perfect journaling soundtrack.

There are many reasons why music can be helpful for journaling. First, music can help us to relax and de-stress. When we are feeling relaxed, we are more likely to be open to self-reflection and introspection. Second, music can help us to focus. A steady beat or calming melody can help us to block out distractions and stay on track with our journaling. Third, music can help us to access our emotions. When we listen to music that evokes strong emotions, we are more likely to connect with those emotions in our journaling.

There are many different types of music that can be helpful for journaling. Some people prefer to listen to calming music, such as lofi beats or ambient music. Others prefer to listen to music that evokes specific emotions, such as classical music for inspiration or nature sounds for relaxation. Ultimately, the best type of music for journaling is the type of music that you enjoy and that helps you to relax, focus, and access your emotions.

Here are some tips for creating the perfect journaling soundtrack:

  • Consider your mood and needs. What kind of mood are you in when you want to journal? Do you need something calming or energizing? Do you want to evoke a specific emotion?
  • Mix and match different genres. Don’t be afraid to mix and match different genres of music to create a playlist that suits your needs. For example, you might want to listen to classical music for inspiration and then switch to lofi beats for relaxation.
  • Consider the time of day. The time of day can also influence the type of music you want to listen to while journaling. For example, you might want to listen to different music if you are journaling in the morning than if you are journaling at night.
  • Use apps and platforms for custom playlist creation. There are many apps and platforms that can help you create custom playlists. Some popular options include Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube Music.

The Science Behind Music and Concentration

Music can affect the brain in a number of ways, including:

  • Rhythm: Music can help to regulate our heart rate and breathing, which can lead to a state of relaxation and focus.
  • Mood: Music can evoke different emotions, which can either help or hinder concentration. For example, listening to calming music can help us to focus, while listening to upbeat music can make it more difficult to concentrate.
  • Cognitive function: Music can improve our cognitive function, such as our memory and attention span. This is because music requires us to process multiple pieces of information at once, which can help to train our brains to focus.

“Music isn’t just sound. Sometimes, it’s an escape.” – Anonymous

The specific effects of music on concentration can vary depending on the individual and the type of music. However, there is some general research that suggests that music can be helpful for concentration in a few ways:

  • Music can help to block out distractions. When we listen to music, it can help to drown out other noises and distractions, which can make it easier to focus on the task at hand.
  • Music can provide a sense of rhythm and structure. This can be helpful for people who find it difficult to focus without a clear structure or framework.
  • Music can be motivating and inspiring. This can help us to stay focused on our work and to avoid distractions.

It is important to note that not all music is created equal when it comes to concentration. Some types of music, such as loud or chaotic music, can actually be counterproductive and make it more difficult to focus. It is best to choose music that is calming, relaxing, and easy to listen to.

Here are some specific tips for choosing music that will help you to concentrate:

  • Choose music that is instrumental or has no lyrics. This will help you to focus on the melody and rhythm of the music without being distracted by the lyrics.
  • Choose music that is slow and calming. This will help to create a relaxed and focused state of mind.
  • Choose music that you enjoy. This will make it more likely that you will be able to focus on the music and avoid distractions.

Want Further Proof?

Music has long been used as a way to relax and de-stress. In recent years, scientists have begun to study the effects of music on the brain and have found that music can actually reduce anxiety. NBC News recently did a report on the calming effects of music that discussed the science behind how music eases anxiety. It has some interesting discussion and tips on types of music to help with your mental state. In the video, scientists created a song specifically designed to be calming. For a deeper dive into the power of journaling music, take 5 minutes to watch their enlightening video.

If you are struggling to concentrate, try listening to some calming music in the background. You may be surprised at how much it helps!

Benefits of Listening to Music While Journaling

There are many benefits to listening to music while journaling, including:

  • Relaxation: Music can help to relax the mind and body, which can make it easier to focus on journaling.
  • Focus: Music can provide a sense of rhythm and structure, which can help to keep the mind focused on the task at hand.
  • Creativity: Music can inspire creativity and can help to tap into the subconscious mind.
  • Emotional expression: Music can help to evoke emotions, which can be helpful for processing difficult emotions or for exploring different aspects of the self.
  • Connection: Music can create a sense of connection and can help to foster a more mindful and present state of being.

Here are some specific examples of how music can benefit journaling:

  • If you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed, listening to calming music can help you to relax and de-stress. This can make it easier to focus on your journaling and to write about your thoughts and feelings in a clear and concise way.
  • If you are struggling to focus, listening to music with a steady beat or rhythm can help you to stay on track. This can be especially helpful if you are journaling about a complex topic or if you are trying to brainstorm new ideas.
  • If you are feeling stuck in a creative rut, listening to music can help to inspire you. This is because music can tap into the subconscious mind and can help you to access new thoughts and ideas.
  • If you are dealing with difficult emotions, listening to music can help you to process those emotions in a healthy way. This is because music can help to evoke emotions and can provide a safe space for you to explore those emotions.
  • If you are looking to connect with your inner self, listening to music can help you to do so. This is because music can help you to focus on the present moment and to become more mindful of your thoughts and feelings.

“Music is a universal key that opens the heart’s secret rooms.” – Anonymous

Overall, listening to music can be a great way to enhance the journaling experience. It can help you to relax, focus, be creative, and connect with your inner self. If you are looking for a way to improve your journaling practice, I encourage you to try listening to music while you journal.

Different Types of Journaling Music and Their Effects

There are many different types of music that can be used for journaling, each with its own unique effects. Here are a few popular genres of journaling music and their potential effects:

  • Lofi beats: Lofi beats are a type of electronic music that is often characterized by a simple, repetitive beat and calming melodies. Lofi beats can be very helpful for relaxation and focus, making them ideal for journaling about difficult topics or for simply unwinding after a long day. [Image of Lofi beats music for journaling]
  • Ambient music: Ambient music is a type of music that is designed to create a sense of calm and relaxation. Ambient music often features gentle melodies and sounds from nature, making it ideal for journaling about anything that requires a sense of peace and tranquility. [Image of Ambient music for journaling]
  • Nature sounds: Nature sounds are a type of music that features recordings of natural sounds, such as birdsong, waves crashing, or wind blowing through trees. Nature sounds can be very helpful for relaxation and focus, making them ideal for journaling about anything that connects you to the natural world. [Image of Nature sounds music for journaling]
  • Classical music: Classical music is a broad genre that includes a wide variety of styles and composers. Some classical music can be very calming and relaxing, while other pieces can be more stimulating and energizing. Classical music can be a great choice for journaling about anything that requires a sense of inspiration or creativity. [Image of Classical music for journaling]

Ultimately, the best type of music for journaling is the type of music that you enjoy and that helps you to relax, focus, and express yourself. There is no right or wrong answer, so experiment with different genres and see what works best for you.

Here are some additional tips for choosing the right journaling music:

  • Consider your mood and needs. What kind of mood are you in when you want to journal? Do you need something calming or energizing? Do you want to evoke a specific emotion?
  • Mix and match different genres. Don’t be afraid to mix and match different genres of music to create a playlist that suits your needs. For example, you might want to listen to classical music for inspiration and then switch to lofi beats for relaxation.
  • Consider the time of day. The time of day can also influence the type of music you want to listen to while journaling. For example, you might want to listen to different music if you are journaling in the morning than if you are journaling at night.
  • Use apps and platforms for custom playlist creation. There are many apps and platforms that can help you create custom playlists. Some popular options include Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube Music.

How to Create Your Perfect Journaling Playlist

Here are some tips on how to create your perfect journaling playlist:

  1. Start by considering your mood and needs. What kind of mood are you in when you want to journal? Do you need something calming or energizing? Do you want to evoke a specific emotion?
  2. Once you know what kind of mood you want to create, start brainstorming songs that fit the bill. You can search for songs by genre, mood, or even by specific artist or album.
  3. Don’t be afraid to mix and match different genres. There’s no rule that says you can only listen to one type of music while journaling. In fact, mixing and matching genres can help you create a more dynamic and interesting playlist.
  4. Consider the time of day. The time of day can also influence the type of music you want to listen to while journaling. For example, you might want to listen to different music if you are journaling in the morning than if you are journaling at night.
  5. Use apps and platforms for custom playlist creation. There are many apps and platforms that can help you create custom playlists. Some popular options include Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube Music.
  6. Once you have a few songs in mind, start listening to them and see how they make you feel. If a song doesn’t seem to fit the mood you’re going for, don’t be afraid to remove it from your playlist.
  7. Keep adding and removing songs until you have a playlist that you love. And don’t forget to come back and update your playlist as your mood and needs change.

Here are some additional tips for creating your perfect journaling playlist:

  • Pay attention to the lyrics. If you’re journaling about a specific topic, you might want to choose songs with lyrics that relate to that topic.
  • Think about the tempo of the music. If you’re looking for music to help you relax, you’ll want to choose songs with a slow tempo. If you’re looking for music to help you focus, you’ll want to choose songs with a faster tempo.
  • Consider the volume of the music. If you’re easily distracted, you might want to choose music that is played at a low volume. If you need the music to help you drown out other noises, you might want to choose music that is played at a louder volume.
  • Experiment with different genres and artists. There’s no need to stick to one genre of music when creating your journaling playlist. Experiment with different genres and artists to see what works best for you.
  • Have fun! The most important thing is to create a playlist that you enjoy listening to and that helps you to relax, focus, and express yourself.


Here are some recommendations for journaling music that you may want to try:

  • Weightless by Marconi Union: This song is often cited as one of the most relaxing songs in the world. It has a slow tempo and calming melody that can help you to relax and de-stress.
  • Studying with Lofi Beats by ChilledCow: This is a popular lofi playlist on YouTube that is perfect for studying or journaling. It features a mix of lofi beats and nature sounds that can help you to focus and relax.
  • Peaceful Piano by Erik Satie: This is a classic piece of piano music that is perfect for relaxation and reflection. It has a slow tempo and simple melody that can help you to clear your mind and focus on your thoughts.
  • Forest Rain by Nature Relaxation: This is a nature sounds track that is perfect for journaling about nature or for simply connecting with the natural world. It features the sounds of rain, birdsong, and wind blowing through trees.
  • Adrift by Max Richter: This is a modern classical piece of music that is perfect for journaling about anything that requires a sense of peace and tranquility. It has a slow tempo and haunting melody that can help you to connect with your inner self.

Dive Deeper into Journaling Music

If reading about the magic of journaling music has piqued your curiosity, we’ve crafted a sensory treat for you. Directly below, you’ll find our specially curated video: “Journaling Music: Sounds for Reflective Writing.” Not just a compilation, this video serves as a sonic journey designed to enhance your reflective writing process. As the melodies play, imagine your thoughts flowing effortlessly onto the pages, every note encouraging deeper introspection and clarity. We’ve taken special care to include tracks that cater to various moods and emotions, ensuring that there’s something for every journaling session. We recommend watching it with headphones for an immersive experience. Whether you’re about to jot down your day’s reflections, or you’re setting the mood for a future journaling moment, this video is the perfect starting place.

Final Thoughts:

  • Share Your Thoughts: After listening, we’d love to hear your feedback! Did any particular track resonate with your journaling mood? Drop a comment below or on our YouTube channel.
  • Spread the Harmony: If you enjoyed the video and found the tracks beneficial, consider sharing it with fellow journaling enthusiasts. Every share brings the joy of journaling music to another soul.
  • Stay Connected: For more soothing sounds and journaling tips, don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel and bookmark our blog. Your journey of reflection deserves the perfect soundtrack.
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