3 Reasons I Love Notebooks with Cute Covers
3 Reasons I Love Notebooks with Cute Covers
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There’s nothing more satisfying than finding the perfect notebook with a cover that screams to the world THIS IS WHO I AM. At their worst, notebook covers do little more than hold sheets of paper together. At their best, they become an extension of who we are. We are connected to them through our sense of style, purpose, and passions. While there’s nothing wrong with plain notebook covers, why not reach for more? Over the years, I’ve learned there are 3 primary reasons I’m attracted to cool and colorful notebooks and beautiful journals with cute covers.

1.  A Cute Cover Will Make You Stand Out 

Everyone is on social media trying to differentiate themselves from everyone else. We all have an inner desire to show that we are special. In the Instagram world, there are filters and effects. In the real world, it takes a little more. Some do so with hairstyles. Others use fashion. And there are others that use tattoos. A cute notebook cover is a cheap, inexpensive, and non-permanent way to stand out in the real world.

The Right Notebook Can Be Your Voice

I like to find notebooks that have covers that resonate with who I am. Whether it’s a thoughtful quote or a creative design, notebooks I choose often announce to the world who I am. They are my ambassadors. Those times when I’m too shy or too tired to speak, my notebooks become my voice to the world.

Your Journal Can Be the Perfect Accessory

You would never leave home wearing a belt that didn’t match your shoes, would you? Then why would you leave the house with a journal or notebook that doesn’t match? Whether it’s a match to your wardrobe, personality, or to your mindset.  A great notebook often becomes an accessory to your life. The right cover can turn an ordinary notebook into your own personal lifestyle journal.

2. Memorable Covers Can Be Motivational and Meaningful

Carpe Diem Notebook CoverAs a publisher, I have a wide assortment of motivational notebooks and quote journals. Often, I’ll select which notebook to use based on how I feel or the occasion. The cover that matches my mood gets the nod. There’s something about having a cover that matches my feelings that makes things seem right.

I also use journal covers to decide how to use them. I keep my hair product notes and tips in a cute journal from Elisa Michelle Designs with a cover art displaying a young girl having her hair done. My “Carpe Diem” notebook serves as my daily planner. If a cover art or theme matches a particular task, it’s likely I’ll find a way to use it for that task. This method makes it easy to remember what each notebook is used for.

Quote Covers Uplift and Inspire

On days I’ve been down, journals with quotations on the cover helped pick me up. Everyone can use a little encouragement now and then. Inspirational quotes on your notebooks can be like a personal cheerleader at your side everywhere you go. Looking at motivational titles can be a subtle reminder which keeps you encouraged. Every time you reach for and use your notebook, you’ll have your nice little notebook there to cheer you on.I Am Enough Floral Notebook

Inspiration is personal. Each of us is moved in different ways by different things. If you find a quote that moves you, take that as a sign or omen. A notebook cover with your special quote can be a powerful weapon to help keep you motivated and inspired. It’s even more powerful when you find notebooks with quotes on the pages.

Pretty Journals Are Less Intimidating and Are Inviting to Write In

At some point in our lives, we’ve all had writer’s block. I remember times when I sat staring for what seems like forever at a blank sheet of paper while struggling to put my thoughts together. Sometimes I simply sat with an empty mind, just waiting for any thoughts to appear to get to that point. One time, as I sat with my notebook closed, I glanced admiringly at the “Carpe Diem” saying on my journal. Those words put me in the mindset to think of how I could seize the moment with my words. What came next was a literary epiphany.

Sometimes, looking at a blank cover notebook is like looking at a blank page. Cute covers always seem to invite me to open them and put me in the right frame of mind. Likewise, for you to overcome writer’s block, a spark of inspiration may be all you need. The humor or inspiration you find on a notebook cover might just provide that spark. 

3.  Interesting Journal Covers Are Good Conversation Starters

Cover the You Are My Sunshine JournalHave you ever been at work, or out in public and have a stranger come up and say “I love your notebook”? I have. I’ve had some very interesting and entertaining conversations as a result. Sometimes it happened on the train while heading to work. I’ve even made new friends and contacts at work. Once a coworker and I became closer after she saw my pineapple notebook. Turns out she had a love for pineapple designs. After months of sitting 8 feet apart and barely talking, it was a fun little pineapple notebook that brought us together.

There’s a saying that “your vibe attracts your tribe.” A cute cover certainly helps you find friends you’ve yet to meet. A cover that matches your vibe is like a sign to the world. It lets everyone know what tribe you belong to. Others from your tribe will see it and open up to you. You may see opportunities come up that you may have missed without your signaling post. There are a lot of people hiding behind their hard exterior shells. Sometimes all it takes is a cute journal to penetrate that shell and make a lifelong friend.

Life Is Too Short to Write In Boring Notebooks

Every time I choose a notebook to write in, I have plenty of options. I approach the decision the same way I decide which outfits to wear. Do I want to be empowered? Am I looking to be casual? Or do I want to stand out? My notebooks are how I express myself. They are my voice to myself, and to the world. 

The next time you’re looking for a notebook, think about how your choice will reflect upon your personality, style, and focus. The cover on your notebook can be your statement to the world. Make sure your voice is heard.  Life is too short to use a boring notebook.

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