A tablet and stylus on a table next to a coffee cup
The Benefits of Digital or Alternative Journals

You may already know about the benefits of journaling. But if you’re trying to declutter your home or go paperless, a paper notebook can be a hard sell. That’s why we at Cute Notebooks + Journals are here to tell you about the benefits of learning how to digital journal! It’s easier, more convenient, and can even be more inspirational than you think.

The Same Tactile Sensations As Paper Journals

An Apple pencil with an iPad in the background

The biggest trick to learning how to use a digital journal is finding the right program for it. Pairing alternative journals with the Goodnotes or Notability app on a tablet and a stylus or Apple Pencil can be revolutionary. It gives you the same tactile feel as writing on paper and the benefits of free-thinking that come from handwriting, but all 100% digital.

Originally, digital journaling was just typing into MS Word, but it’s so much more than that now. You can get all of the satisfaction that comes from handwriting your thoughts while still going paperless.

Easier To Organize

Are you reminding yourself to read a specific article online? It’s much easier when you can link right to the website! Alternative journals have “attachability,” and that makes it so much easier to sort through everything in your life.

Attach photos and documents to your entries, email copies of your notes to your friends and colleagues, and so much more. You can’t connect an entry in your paper calendar to your paper planner, but getting your life together is much simpler when you can connect it through all of your programs. Which takes us to our next point…

A tablet displaying a digital planner on the screen

They Can Synchronize With Other Software

Connect your digital planner to your online calendar, and you only ever have to take note of an event once. Email reminders from right inside the app. Knowing how to use digital journals makes planning a snap because it requires so much less manual work updating every program.

This is the area in which alternative journals can really beat out paper journals, because writing with a pen can only ever connect to the paper. But with digital planners, you can organize your thoughts and spread them across several different programs but still have everything connect.

Declutter Your Life

People who have been paper journaling for years have tons of old books strewn across their homes. But, of course, you can’t get rid of any of them – the minute you do is when you need to remember an idea or event from ten years ago.

Alternative journals eliminate that problem, making for a cleaner home with less clutter. Plus, instead of having to locate the ten-year-old event entry in question, you can let technology do the work for you by searching it in the app.

Better For The Environment

Ethical shopping is a relatively new concept, but it’s one that’s here to stay. That means shopping at small and family-owned businesses to help a local community, but it also means getting eco-friendly products to help the planet.

If you’re still trying to decide between paper and alternative journals, then it might help to think about how many trees we can save every year if more people start learning how to journal digitally. Sure, one person’s planner might not make a huge difference, but digital journals are part of a movement from people shaping the world they want to see.

Explore the world of blackout journaling today!

More Possibilities

Nothing is more inspirational and motivational than knowing how many possibilities are out there for you. You can do practically anything with alternative journals! And having them in a digital format means they can convert if you need a new form later on.

Connect your calendar with your teammates’ to work together on a big project. Take your thoughts and turn them into art. Whatever you want to do, it’s made easier by organizing your life in a digital planner. And that opens up the whole world to you.

We at Cute Notebooks + Journals would never knock paper journals completely. Some people prefer the feel of paper or just don’t want to let everything go digital. If that’s you, we still have plenty of journal options. But if you’re ready to take your thoughts and plans and organize them for the future, there are some serious benefits to doing it with interactive notebooks and digital planners.

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