Why You Should Start Journaling Article
Why You Should Start Journaling

As children, many of us were given a diary as a gift and quickly filled its pages with our hopes, dreams, frustrations, and friendship lists. As adults, the busyness of life can get in the way of continuing that childhood habit of journaling. However, revisiting this habit might be the answer to finding the clarity and peace we’re all searching for. Journaling is one of the easiest ways to gain clarity, find purpose and reduce stress. It can even improve your physical health. Read on to discover three amazing benefits of writing in a journal and learn why you should start journaling today.

Become More Mindful

Mindfulness refers to an awareness of what is going on around you as well as an awareness of what you’re thinking and feeling. In the midst of a busy schedule, we often lose this awareness and start to run on autopilot — going through the day without much reflection or growth.

One of the many benefits of journaling is being more mindful. When you are in the midst of a busy day, it can be easy to lose your peace and get distracted by circumstances. Grabbing a pen and paper will help you clear your mind and help you manage worries and frustrations.

When you start journaling on a regular basis, you increase your awareness not only of your own thoughts and emotions but you also increase your awareness of the people and events that you encounter during the day. This can help you to increase your social skills and improve your relationships as well as your work.

Love Yourself More Self-Care Journal

Manage Your Stress

Often, we can find ourselves feeling dull or uninspired. We might have trouble sleeping at night due to worry, stress, or fear. Writing in a journal helps you manage this stress by allowing you to process your feelings and work towards your goals. The act of exploring your emotions fully will help you release tension. You can find peace by integrating your experiences rather than distancing yourself from them and aimlessly dwelling on them.

To reduce your stress, you must learn how to let go of negative thoughts that prevent you from moving forward. Journaling will give you the space and freedom to examine these thoughts. It enables you to observe your emotions with objectivity and clarity. This allows you the proper mindset to openly and creatively explore options and solutions.

As you start objectively observing the sources of your stress, you can identify specific things to work on and keep yourself accountable for achieving your goals. The result is a feeling of empowerment that helps you to move forward with confidence and peace.

Improve Your Overall Health

One of the most tangible benefits of writing in a journal is an overall improvement in your health. Believe it or not, these changes can even be measured using clinical tests! When you keep a journal, both your physical and mental health may improve — here are just some of the evidence-based health benefits that can come  when you write in a journal regularly:

Most of the positive outcomes that were seen in these studies were achieved with regular, positive forms of journaling that reflected on events and suggested possible actions or resolutions at the end. Your personal goal could be to journal for just five or ten minutes each day — the important thing is to be consistent! Set an alarm on your phone or do it right before bed so you don’t forget.

A journal cover with the words “Good Vibes Only” written in purple.

Why Not Start Journaling Now?

If you’d like to experience the benefits of writing in a journal, the fun and uplifting designs by Cute Notebooks + Journals are the perfect way to get started. Available in lined, blank, dot grid, and planner options, our notebooks and journals can be used for writing, drawing diagrams, making lists, taking notes, or even for writing about your travel adventures! Browse dozens of inspiring notebook covers to start your journaling journey today.

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